Monday, September 11, 2017

Whale watching on Brier Island and Balancing Rock

Rain?  Did I hear rain as I awakened?  Yes, but we are told that sunny skies are forecast for later.  So after a wonderful breakfast at our B&B, joined by a couple from Alberta and a couple from Scotland, we headed out with an optimistic attitude toward Brier Island.  It's a journey in itself to get to Brier Island as it's a long peninsula of land and requires 2 short ferry rides to get to.  A couple of pics of the ferry rides:

We saw some evidence of the amazing tide fluctuations of the bay of funds

As well as some signs of the lobstering done extensively here

And of course a lighthouse

But then we saw what we came for - whales!  They first spotted a momma humpback with her calf and we spent much time viewing them.

Later we saw 3 more whales, but I wasn't lucky enough to get shots of them as we didn't see them for as long a period.  I also got MANY shots of backs of heads, empty water, sky.... the boat she was a rollin' and I was lucky to get any shots at all!  Of course we took the obligatory selfie:

The weather and the whale watch was a really wonderful time.  But someone forgot to wear sunscreen....

After the whale watch we stopped at Balancing Rock to do the trail there.  It's not a long trail (2.5 km), but at the end has a 235 step staircase that was a challenge!  Of course we got to the bottom and there was a lady there with a cane!!!  Take that you relatively able adults who think you have accomplished something!  The rock formation is a basalt sea stack millions of years in the making.

We ended our night with a late dinner (much appreciated since the only food since breakfast was a cookie given to us on the boat) at Ye Olde Towne Pub in Annapolis Royal - close to our B&B.  It tasted mighty good I gotta tell ya!

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