Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Cape Forchu Lighthouse

Another grand breakfast and a sunny start to our day.  We said goodbye to our B&B mates as they were checking out and headed down the road toward Weymouth to see the Cape Forchu lighthouse.  Enroute we saw a pullout for the Gilbert's Cove lighthouse and decided to check it out.  It was small, but interesting.

Then we made our way to Weymouth to the much larger Cape Forchu lighthouse.  It had a small museum and a very nice interpretive trail on the property.

 Sea spray roses in white

Pretty wildflowers

Sea Spray roses in pink

They also have a small kitchen operation and I had my first lobster roll in Nova Scotia - YUMMY!

After a lovely dinner of Digby scallops at Cafe Compose - a cafe owned by an Austrian couple, we met up for the candle lit graveyard tour at Fort Ann.  Fort Ann has the oldest graveyard in Nova Scotia and the gentleman leading the tour was most entertaining and extremely knowledgeable.  It was a very interesting way to hear the history of the area and specifically the Acadian people to tell it thru the stories of those who's graves are there.  A very good tour and really worth the measly $10 each we paid!

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