Sunday, September 17, 2017

The Citadel, Public Gardens, and the Public Library

It was nice to "sleep in" this morning (we were both still up early but at least did not awaken to an alarm!) We headed back to Halifax today to see the Citadel first.  Since it was Sunday there was much less traffic, we found street parking for free!  Then trekked up the hill to the Citadel, also free because it's a national historic site so part of the 150th celebration.  It is an impressive entrance!

There were some re-enactors there doing their thing. 

There was a bagpiper who played for a bit while we were waiting for our tour group to gather.

Views into the courtyard

Our 11:00 tour ended up at the canon that they fire at noon every day.  It was quite loud!

Some other canons in the courtyard.

Cool view leaving the courtyard.

And looking down on Halifax.

The fort was never attacked, so as our tour guide put it - it was 100% successful in it's goal of deterring attack!

Then we headed over to the public gardens which are right next to the Citadel.  I had read they were beautiful but had no idea how beautiful there were!

And this was in the fall!  I can only imagine how beautiful they are in the summer!!

Next we (OK - I) wanted to eat at Your Father's Mustache.  We walked - boy did we walk - and didn't find it.  I had written the address down on a piece of paper that had fallen out of my purse when I took my phone out.  We eventually stopped a guy - who had an awesome mustache coincidentally - and he said you are not close at all!  But it IS a nice day to walk.  So walk we did!  Finally found it.

After a nice lunch we headed to the public library which is fantastic architecturally and also has a great view of the city.  That was true in both cases!  Plus I have never seen a library more utilized than this one - it was packed!

Looking up from within:

The view from the rooftop:

An artwork wall by the checkout area:

The building:

And finally, Halifax shows it's pride!

We had a great time in Halifax, but it IS a big city and we are looking forward to getting back to small villages and country roads tomorrow.  I mentioned to Bill that everything we did both yesterday and today was free!  Except of course lunch....

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