Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Advocate Harbour to Alma, New Brunswick

Today we say goodbye to Nova Scotia.  It's been a wonderful visit to this lovely region of Canada and we'll miss it!  We are heading back by way of Joggins Fossil Cliff to Alma, New Brunswick to see Hopewell Rocks and Fundy National Park.  As we were working our way to Joggins we ran across this crossing sign - didn't see any bees or chickens but there were at least 5 rabbits in the yard just past this sign.

Next on to Joggins.  It was a really amazing place.  Due to the wash of the water and the topography of the place, it's got 300 million years of fossils being unearthed all the time.  We had an excellent guide for our half hour guided walk and we saw lots of fossils.

This is the coal being that was being mined years ago here - coal being another byproduct of the sediment and compression that occurred here.

In the middle of this picture is a fossil of a tree trunk that may fall any day....

As we moved on toward New Brunswick, we started noticing more color in the trees along the road. 

Entering New Brunswick!  Goodbye Nova Scotia, we sure had a wonderful visit!

Our first stop was at Hopewell Rocks.  We got there about mid tide, so the flower pots were fully visible.  Our plan is to go back tomorrow to grab pics of high tide.

On our way to Alma and our next accommodation we stumbled upon 2 covered bridges a couple of km apart from each other.  This said it was the last covered bridge on Rt. 114.

The second bridge and looking thru the window on this bridge.

The place we are staying - Cliffside Suites - is perched on a hill overlooking the Alma Harbor.  What a view!

A wonderful dinner of homemade pasta at Octopus's Garden rounded out another wonderful day. 

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