Sunday, September 24, 2017

Baddeck to Antigonish..... the long way

Since we would have been backtracking to go to Antigonish the fastest most direct way, Bill had mapped out an alternate route that ran alongside the water much of the way.  Since there wasn't a LOT of interest going on, you will get pics first of - you guessed it - a bridge!

Told you I love bridges!  I also love the names of some of the businesses we have seen here... this one along the way gave us the chuckles:

We had some lunch (maybe in a biker bar - we aren't sure).  Then we headed to Peace By Chocolate, which I had seen a piece on CNN about.  It was started by a Syrian family who, after years in a refugee camp, were offered citizenship by Canada.  They came here and started making chocolates in their garage and are now a very successful business.  I understand they have built a new factory, but they still sell chocolates in the little shop beside their home.  And we got some - yummy yummy!

We had some time to kill before our room was ready, so we headed down the road to where I had been told there was a park and a lighthouse.  There WAS a lighthouse, but it was a reproduction.  Still accomplished the goal of killing time till our room was ready.

We headed to a local pub for dinner, and as soon as we sat down a lovely couple from Ottowa sat down next to us and struck up conversation.  We talked like old friends throughout dinner.  As we were leaving the husband leaned over as he said goodbye to me and told me his wife had alzheimers. She was probably younger than me.  She had repeated herself often, and was asking us to come visit frequently, but I thought she was just really friendly.  Later he and I became friends on Facebook and he sent me a msg telling me she had been a human rights and family lawyer most of her career and was one of the most intelligent people he knew.  It was sad, but it was also great to see them out having fun and enjoying life.  They clearly had a great deal of love for each other.   A group was playing Irish toons as we left.

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