Saturday, September 9, 2017

We made it to Canada!

After a nice breakfast we hit the road.  Our first task was to figure out how to change our GPS in our car to allow us to navigate to Canada.  Surprisingly, we did it with little effort!  We were led thru downtown Bangor which was a lovely town and once out of Bangor... we were on miles and miles of road with nothing but beauty around us!  I mean MILES between anything on the road.   We arrived at the Calais border crossing and were thru the check in about 20 minutes - all of the wait being for the cars in front of us.  Just a few basic questions, passport check, and we were on our way.

Bill had made the change to our car settings while we waited in order to take us (drag us really) into the metric world, showing our MPH in KPH.   It was odd to see the speedometer look like this:

We stopped right away at the Canadian Royal Bank and got some Canadian currency from the ATM ($200 and a $3 charge on the RBC end).  Then on thru some gorgeous countryside, following the Bay of Fundy, to Saint John.  Our hotel (Holiday Inn Express) is only 10 minutes from where the ferry leaves to take us to Digby, Nova Scotia tomorrow.  The view from our hotel room is awesome!

Time is an hour ahead of what we were in the US, so it was past time for lunch.  There is a pub actually IN the garage under the hotel (The Pub Down Under) that I had read was good, so we just went there.  It WAS good - but it also WAS a pub which was fine with us but perhaps not with other folks who want something a bit more polished.

Later we located the home that our daughter-in-law lived in when she and her family lived here.  It was right across from a beautiful river that she said she used to ice skate on after school when it would freeze over.

We ended our evening with a dinner of appetizers at a bar up the street.  The staff was dealing with an emergency - a leak in a pipe in the kitchen - as we were being served.  They jokingly told us they were creating a flood for us!  And so closes our first day in Canada.

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