Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Advocate Harbour - Day 2

We both crashed early and I still slept 9 hrs! I was going to wake Bill up in time to photograph sunrise. However when I looked outside the fog was back big time! Bill awakened and we headed out about 9 to try to retrieve my toiletry bag which I had left behind in our original room before we got word of the upgrade. Nobody was home (did I say the places are on a working farm?) so we headed on down the road – in the fog – to see the lighthouse at Cape D'or. I had originally planned for us to stay at this lighthouse as they have rooms in the lightkeeper's house and a small restaurant there also. However after repeated attempts to contact the owner to no avail I gave up. Good thing because we got there after going about 5km down a rutted dirt road

and walking down a long steep hill (the building above was at the top) that we would have had to take our luggage down by hand and it was closed! But it was lovely to see, and the foghorn was going off, and we enjoyed time down there in the fog all by ourselves. 

The building in the foreground is the kitchen, the building in the rear is the light keeper's house where we would have stayed.

On the way back we stopped to photograph more boats without water due to low tide.

Then back to collect my toiletries and then to Chinectgo Park, which is right down the road. How gorgeous! A driftwood covered rocky beach, some gorgeous clifs and beautifully movement filled red rocks. The tide was out and it was gorgeous.

We had made some sandwiches so after a windy picnic we headed another hour up the road to Joggins Fossil Cliffs. We have no internet here, so we didn't have the ability to check on things just decided to go. They have guided walks and the next one was at 1 am! That's not gonna work! But we will be by there tomorrow and they have one at 11 so that's on the agenda on our way to Alma, New Brunswick.

Did I say our car is filthy??

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