Monday, September 18, 2017

The road from Halifax to Baddeck

This morning the weather is gloomy.  It apparently rained overnight and it's foggy and drizzly.  But this is a day on the road, so we head on out after breakfast.  We drive down rt. 7 along the coast, and when we can see it there is the Atlantic Ocean out there... right by the road.  One thing we've seen that I was surprised about was ESSO gas stations... they are not Exxon here!

As we worked our way down the coast we passed this place that sold folk art - quite a striking building!

We also passed a place that had a bunch of old boats in front of it.

And some not so old functional boats in the water!

After a stop at a sweet little place for lunch, we finally crossed the causeway entering Baddeck and Cape Breton!

We got checked into our little cottage, grabbed a few groceries and settled in.  

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