Sunday, October 1, 2017

Sunrise, Jordon Pond, Bass Harbor Lighthouse, Natural Seawall, Southwest Harbor

Wow - busy day!  It started when we left the motel at 5:30 am to head to Cadillac Mountain for sunrise.  We had been told to get there an hour before sunrise and it was unreal how many people were there!  It was COLD COLD COLD - 45 degrees with a lot of wind making it feel MUCH MUCH colder.  I hung in there until the sun showed and then I bailed to the car.  Bill stuck it out a bit longer but was one frozen popsicle when he got in the car, which I had warmed up at least.

Bill double fisting cameras...

Did I say there were a few other people there??

Next we headed back to Boulder Beach for Bill to take more pics.  I... opted to stay in the warm car, and almost nodded off.  But hey - I was there for him at least!

After a stop back at the visitor's center for a movie and a parks stamp we headed off to Jordon Pond.  We had tried to stop there the day before but there was not a parking spot to be found in either of 2 parking lots... much less crowded this early in the morning.  

A cup of coffee and we were off to another area of the park.  This park is not one contiguous area, so you are often driving out of the park and back into the park.  We headed to Bass Harbor to see the light house there.  It was small, but nice.  

This was taken from a trail that ran down beside the lighthouse.  

Next we went over a natural seawall that was all stones.  This was still part of the park.  

We walked down to the water and there were lots of snails!

Next, the lovely seaside village of Southwest Harbor.  Really a gorgeous harbor!

A couple of HUGE boats out there.

After an early start to our day and a lot of running around, a nap was in order!!

Dinner was at the Thirsty Whale and was quite good.  Another day in the books. 

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