Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Rockland to Montpelier Maine

We awakened to yet ANOTHER gorgeous morning.  I don't know how we got so lucky with the weather.  We headed out taking a route that would take us thru the White Mountain National Forest in New Hampshire on our way to Vermont.  On the way I saw a moose on I95!

We soon crossed into New Hampshire and began really seeing some color in the leaves.

I also found my first painted rock!  In case you haven't heard, kids (and adults) are painting rocks and hiding them for others to find to make them happy!  This one made me happy and I left it for another person to find.

Soon we crossed into Vermont.  I missed the welcome to Vermont sign on the road, so this was from the welcome center.

We got checked into our hotel and headed down the road 15 minutes to Waterbury to go to the Ben and Jerry's factory!  We took their interesting short tour and got our sample at the end.  Today the sample was Totally Baked.  And it was good!

Bill is much more thrilled than he looks!

After some souvenirs and a cup of ice cream each (I got the Tonight Dough and Bill got Americone Dream) we went to the flavor graveyard.

A very socially responsible company, they had lots of solar panels.

And dinner tonight will be LATE!  But it was a fun way to end our day on the road.

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